We invite you to be a sponsor for Project SAGE's 25th anniversary of Trade Secrets!

In celebration of the 25th anniversary of our signature fundraiser, Trade Secrets, Project SAGE is launching a new sponsorship program for businesses. We invite you to be among the first to join this new program!

There are three sponsorship levels to choose from:

  • Supporter - $1,500

  • Advocate - $3,000

  • Steward - $6,000 (only 2 left)

Each level comes with a myriad of benefits, including a printed full page color ad. Benefits also include being included in the reimaged printed Trade Secrets Resource Guide which will be seen by more than 5,000 people, plus many other Project SAGE and Trade Secrets benefits.

All of us at Project SAGE would be honored to have you as part of our new sponsorship program

We hope you join us as a Supporter, Advocate or Steward today!

Not only will you be supporting the 25th anniversary of Trade Secrets in May 2025, you will also be supporting Project SAGE the whole year! 

Learn more about the benefits and book your sponsorship today!


Thank you for your interest in advertising at Trade Secrets. The deadline for ad submissions has passed, and we are no longer accepting new ads. We appreciate your support and look forward to working with you in the future!